Dec 31, 2022Liked by Gary Norden

Thanks, Gary! Your narratives and descriptions present a full picture of what is going on. The existences of 'professional' and 'retail' groups seem not only to be in traders' world, but also in options analysts'. When you say 'how can they be so wrong', I laughed. They seem to hold a wrong idea so tightly without hesitation and skepticism as if that idea was the only option that they can have. It manifests that these 'experts' have not learned much, keep the same behavioral patterns, and make similar mistakes over a long time. Great to meet and learn from you, Gary! I put aside my ego and keep learning. Keep grinding!

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Dec 31, 2022·edited Dec 31, 2022Liked by Gary Norden

Thanks Gary. Trading, as it has to do with risk, tends to wake up 'gambling mode'. It is connected with excitement, thrill, hopes and dreams. Sobering up expectations is not what people want to hear. Study, hard work and the grind while holding the ego in check is only for professionals that can understand the difference between skill (ability) and personal interpretation.

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